Madison Skatepark Fund
Madison Skatepark Fund

Founded in 2001, the Madison Skatepark Fund (MSF) advocated and fundraised for the construction of Madison's first public skatepark and achieved their goal when the Goodman Skatepark opened in McPike Park in 2015. The Goodman Skatepark instantly became the most popular facility in the Madison Parks system and is a destination skatepark for skateboarders across the Midwest. Since then, the Goodman Skatepark has seen so much use that the City of Madison asked MSF to help identify locations around the City for a network of “All-Wheel” parks to serve users in all parts of the City. City budget constraints caused by the Covid pandemic in 2020 spawned the idea for a pilot DIY construction project on a former asphalt bleacher pad in Warner Park.

Starting in July of 2021, MSF fundraised for materials and got to work. By October of that year an extremely dedicated crew of volunteers from all over the City had constructed the “The Lily Pad”, Madison's first DIY all-wheel park! With the success of this project, we have decided to take on another location.

In the spring of 2022, MSF plans to break ground on tennis courts in Elvejhem Park for its second DIY adventure! MSF continues to work with Madison Parks on planning for new, professionally designed and constructed all-wheel parks for when City budgets improve but for now we are focusing on DIY. Our labor is free, but concrete and rebar aren't cheap so please consider donating to this most worthwhile cause. Thank you!